Unrivalled performances
- Creation of hydrogel structures inside microfluidic channels thanks to contactless photopolymerization
- Tune the composition of the photo sensitive hydrogel to create various permeabilities
The PRIMO technology provides the ability to structure UV sensitive hydrogels inside microchannels.
Creation of hydrogel structures inside microfluidic channels
With our PRIMO projection device, you can polymerize any shape of photosensitive hydrogels within the channels of a microchip. It provides an easy and rapid workflow to design in situ structures.
In this study, PRIMO was used to design hydrogel hydrodynamic traps inside already existing microchannels in a microchip. They were able to capture bioreactors (EVµBR) for studying extracellular vesicles released by the immobilized breast cancer tumor spheroids.
Thanks to the maskless concept of Primo, one can design rapidly and accurately a maskless UV pattern, for rapid photo-polymerization of hydrogels of any shape within the channels of microfluidic chips.
Tune the composition of the photo sensitive hydrogel to create various permeabilities
With PRIMO, it is possible to change the composition of polymers in order to obtain various porousness in your hydrogel mix.
Down below, they report the in situ photo-patterning of pressure-resistant hydrogel membranes with controlled permeabilities. They were able to polymerize such hydrogel membranes with precise shapes and large permeabilities inside a large microchip.
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