Unrivalled performances
- Contactless photopatterning of cells onto the structured substrate
- Precise alignment of biomolecules on the 3D microstructures
- Multiprotein patterning on structured substrates
PRIMO is a versatile tool that allows a complete control of the cell microenvironment, from the biophysical properties of the substrate to the biochemical parameters to create complex and relevant models.
Contactless photopatterning of cells onto the structured substrate
Our device is a suitable tool to structure photosensitive resists and to create molds on which elastomeric (PDMS) solution can be polymerized. Then the structured PDMS can be specifically functionalized with biomolecules using the UV-light structured by PRIMO and a specific photoinitiator (PLPP). Cells can then be seeded and will only adhere on the adhesion proteins.
Down below are some examples of arrays of micropillars fabricated and subsequently decorated with MEF cells.
Precise alignment of biomolecules on the 3D microstructures by PRIMO
Leonardo (PRIMO’s software) allows a precise positioning of the different patterns on the 3D microstructures under the microscope thanks to the control of the motorized stage and the camera view of the sample. Thus, PRIMO is a complete tool to improve the relevance of in vitro models as it enables the creation of complex biomimetic materials by combining microfabrication and micropatterning.
Multiprotein patterning on structured substrates
With PRIMO it is possible to micropattern multiple biomolecules on microstructured substrates to control both the biophysical properties of the substrate (structuration, stiffness) and the biochemical parameters (cell adhesion proteins, molecule delivery, etc.) to make complex models for cell-based assay.
Down below is an example of multi-protein photopatterning onto PDMS micro-pillars.
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