Unrivalled performances
- Micropatterns alignment with preexisting 2.5D topographies
- Micropatterns of biomolecules in 3D environment
- Ease studies on cellular responses to different topological cues
Control micropatterning alignment on existing topographies of cell culture substrates with PRIMO to study cell behavior on topological environments.
Micropatterns alignment with preexisting 2.5D topographies
PRIMO has a unique alignment capability to precisely position micropatterns of biomolecules on microstructures generating biofunctionalized substrates which are keys to the understanding of cellular processes.
Down below, a wide range of images were designed and loaded into Leonardo software to precisely position and align the different patterns on the microstructures under the microscope.
The next picture is an example of three hepatocytes that adhered on fibronectin printed in 3D to determine the minimal distance between hepatocytes to create a biliary canaliculi.
Micropattern your biomolecule of interest in 3D
With PRIMO you can easily direct the 3D organization of single cells or multicellular arrangements by controlling cell confinement.
In this example, single cells are seeded into micropatterned microwells and matched the 3D micropatterns. This experiment helped the comparison of nucleus x,y,z localisation in between the different geometrical shapes of the cells.
Ease studies on cellular responses to different topological cues
The PRIMO technology allows a rapid screening of size and a precise pattern alignment to study cellular response to multiple microenvironmental cues.
In the following paper, they studied the impact of micropatterned convex and concave 2.5 D structures on cell guidance. PRIMO enables patterning of extracellular proteins on a 2.5D cell culture chip containing well-defined microstructures that mimic the in-vivo cellular environment.
Here, they studied the role of the extracellular matrix in cell morphology by patterning ECM proteins on nanotopographies to observe influence of those chemical and mechanical cues on the cell organization.
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