
Alvéole and Leica Microsystems conclude a partnership

Publié le 29 septembre 2020

We are proud to collaborate with Leica Microsystems to ensure you obtain the best cell samples for cryo-ET! PRIMO micropatterning + Leica cryo-CLEM = Advanced workflow for whole cell cryo-ET

Learn more on this partnership.


Connect with our scientific team for online conversations

Publié le 6 avril 2020

Like many of you, we are trying to adapt to the situation, to stay in touch and to keep talking about science! Our R&D team invites you to set small group online discussions on topics related to PRIMO photopatterning system micropatterning and cellular microenvironment.

Find more info to set a call with our team.


Webcast: Micropatterning on EM grids

Publié le 15 octobre 2019

Ask your questions live to Dr Leeya Engel during our sponsored Nature Research webcast on « Micropatterning on EM grids: A strategy for improving cell cryo-ET workflow » > Controlling cell positioning within EM grids. Attend our webinar.


« Tailoring cryo-electron microscopy grids by photo-micropatterning… »

Publié le 20 juin 2019

Here comes another paper using PRIMO contactless micropatterning on TEM Grids! « Tailoring cryo-electron microscopy grids by photo-micropatterning for in-cell structural studies », M. Toro-Nahuelpan et al, BioRxiv, 2019. From Julia Mahamid’s team at EMBL.

Read the paper.


Paper: Work on collective migration, using micropatterning to mimic spatial confinement of follower cells

Publié le 18 juin 2019

« Substrate area confinement is a key determinant of cell velocity in collective migration », Mohammed et al, Nature Physics, 2019. –> They used micropatterning to mimic the spatial confinement experienced by follower cells within epithelial tissues.

Access the research paper.


Engineering 3D microenvironments by hydrogel structuration and functionalization with PRIMO

Publié le 27 février 2019

Aurélien Pasturel (PhD candidate, CNRS, Alvéole) presents us his work: « Tailoring 3D cell culture templates with common hydrogels », A Pasturel, BioRxiv, 2018

Watch the scientific video.


Why we develop life science tools for researchers and new in vitro models

Publié le 20 février 2019

What’s the common point between a laboratory mouse and a Petri dish? See the answer in video.


For all the cell biology enthusiasts, this is a must-see!

Publié le 21 janvier 2019

Giant cells moving on a building and adapting to obstacles. We are amazed by the CytoMorphoLab team’s creativity and how they used PRIMO bioengineering technology to miniaturise a building to the size of cells!

Find more details about the whole project on their website & make sure you watch THE VIDEO!


Joint Application Note with NanoSurface Biomedical

Publié le 10 janvier 2019

Are you interested in understanding the role of the extracellular matrix in cell morphology? This application note is for you.

Check how we worked with Nanosurface Biomedical to micropattern their microstructured substrate.

Access the Application Note.


New User Publication: Micropatterning and T Lympocytes haptotaxis

Publié le 3 janvier 2019

Using quantitative antibodies micropatterning with PRIMO and RICM imaging, the team studied haptotaxis of T lymphocytes.

See all our users’ scientific papers.


Alvéole & Nature Webinar – PRIMO Bioengineering system

Publié le 4 décembre 2018

Did you miss our live webinar presented by Dr. Manuel Théry and Dr. Harikrishnan Parameswaran? They explained how PRIMO allows to work with controlled and reproducible microenvironments in vitro to more efficiently study living cells and model diseases.

Register and watch the replay on Nature dedicated webpage.


PRIMO at University of Geneva

Publié le 12 juillet 2018

Last week we were at The University of Geneva to instal PRIMO after a successful demo!

Pau Guillamat from Aurélien Roux’ lab uses PRIMO contactess and maskless micropatterning to study epithelial dynamics.

Check some of his previous work with PRIMO.


Made in Woods Hole

Publié le 9 juillet 2018

The team who loaned a PRIMO for this year Physiology Summer Course at the Marine Biological Laboratory made quite an experiment!

To study cell junctions under curvature, they patterned MDCK cells on a spiral fibronectin pattern.

Check the video.


New Application Note

Publié le 15 mai 2018

« Controlling the topography and biochemistry of cell culture substrates with PRIMO »

One of the challenges confronting cell biologists is to mimic the micro-environment in vitro to more efficiently study living cells. (…) PRIMO allows to tailor cell microenvironment topography via microfabrication and biochemistry via micropatterning…

Read the application note


Cell behavior study by Aurelien Roux’ Lab

Publié le 30 avril 2018

When you offer cells a choice… Yes they go for the higher protein density! Experiment conducted by Pau Guillamat from Aurelien Roux’ lab – University of Geneva.

Watch the video of cells migrating towards two different protein densities in Pau Guillamat’s testimonial.


New paper by Virgile Viasnoff’s lab using PRIMO and micro-niches

Publié le 30 mars 2018

Virgile Viasnoff‘s lab at the Mechanobiology Institute – National University of Singapore is going further in controlling cell microenvironment in 3D: with micro-niches in which they control chemical, topographical and rheological cues using PRIMO photopatterning system! 

Read their Paper.


User testimonial – Cell division study

Publié le 8 mars 2018

See how Jorge Ferreira form i3S, Universidade do Porto used PRIMO custom micropatterning technology to control cellular geometry and impose spatial constraints during mitotic progression.

And read his feedback on PRIMO technology.


New scientific paper using PRIMO

Publié le 6 mars 2018

New scientific paper in which PRIMO was used:  In situ photo-patterning of pressure-resistant hydrogel membranes with controlled permeabilities in PEGDA microfluidic channels, Lab Chip, 2018, Advance Article, Jérémy Decock, Mathias Schlenkb and Jean-Baptiste Salmon.

Read it here

List of papers using PRIMO here


Combination of micropatterning and super-resolution

Publié le 31 octobre 2017

2D-STORM image by Abbelight of patterned epithelial cells labelled for Actin on square micropatterns done with PRIMO.


Micropatterning and focal adhesions

Publié le 11 septembre 2017

Epithelial cells plated on a grid micropatterned with PRIMO: Actin (green), focal adhesions (red) and nuclear enveloppe (blue).


Micrometric eclipse

Publié le 21 août 2017

We witnessed a micrometric solar eclipse over France before the real one happened in the USA! Scale bar = 50µm


No limits to your patterns

Publié le 16 août 2017

Pattern of the day done with PRIMO, Eiffel Tower in Fibronectin and then with MDCK cells.


Patterning is art

Publié le 12 juillet 2017

Thibaut Brunet shared on Twitter a picture of cells plated on micropatterns he generated with PRIMO, during the Physiology summer course at the Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL). Imaged by Nikon USA.